Let's Learn Together
Our youth are a valued part of our faith. We provide a place where youth (and children) can learn, question, and grow in their relationship with God; where they begin to see their role in caring for and supporting others and our world; and where they develop open minds and hearts that seek peace and justice for all people.
During high school, youth are encouraged to engage in Faith Exploration and Confirmation Class. Through study sessions, hands-on learning experiences, and service opportunities, youth develop the tools to think critically about their own faith journeys. They have the opportunity to learn about our denomination, The United Church of Christ, explore the Christian faith tradition, and ask lots of questions along the way!
Our congregation is a rich mix of backgrounds, interests, experiences, and knowledge. We share a desire to learn more about our faith, ourselves, and the world around us - together.
On scheduled Sundays after service from September through May, you will find a group of adults and teens meeting on the upper level from 11:30am-12:30pm to have discussion, ask questions, and learn together. Some topics may focus on our faith and spirituality while others focus on the world around us.
To receive a meeting schedule or to find out more, contact the church office at uccbrainerd@gmail.com or call 218-829-2528.